Thursday, September 21, 2006

Instant Insanity

Pt. 2

This is where I started. I then decided to flip the cubes over to see what I had to work with on the reverse side.

At this point I knew that the cubes with double blue and double green might present a problem. I played with them for a while and thought about it. I figured that I should focus on the blue and the green would naturally fall into place.

I had to make sure that all the blue faces were set to different sides of the sequence. Leaving the double blue in place I mainpulated cubes 1 and 3 - 4 not having a blue face.

Now that all the blue faces were on different sides the only piece left to play out was cube 4. Realizing that the other greens were on the still viewable sides, I just flipped cube 4 until the greens were on the unviewable side.



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