Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Instant Insanity

Pt. 1

So the easiest way to solve the puzzle would be to set each cube in such a way that each color was displayed on one side. Cube 2 makes this an impossibility. So one must find a way around this small obstacle.

I began by eliminating all the extra sides (a.k.a. faces). I figured in order to solve the puzzle there should be four faces of each color in play/motion. That meant that 1 blue, 2 yellow, 2 green, and 3 reds should be out of motion.

I decided to line up the yellows, which inadvertantly aligned the reds, which gave me few options. I decided to eliminate the 2 reds opposite eachother on block 1, the 2 greens opposite eachother on block 2, the yellow/green on block 3,

and yellow/red on block 4. Now that the excess was eliminated I could work much more easily.


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