Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Final Project

Moving only three matchsticks, make the matches spell a word.

for the solution go to: http://amanda-finalproject.blogspot.com/

Rubik's Cube

I couldn't solve the Rubik's cube. Even with directions, I just couldn't do it. I do know that the Rubik's cube is considered group theory, because a single move in actuality involves multiple pieces moving at once. This is probably why I had so much trouble with it.

Peg Solitaire

Working with peg solitaire (the English cross) proved to be interesting because of the various patterns involved in solving the larger cross. I found it most effective to move from the corners toward the center. I really enjoyed this puzzle.

Mini Ma's

The minimum number of moves for the puzzle on the webpage is 28. I was baffled as to how to solve this one. I used Sarah's solution to get through it.

Curses, coiled again!

The only difference in solving the puzzles which are coiled in different directions is that the string must be wound in a different direction.